Swimming is a great form of exercise. It does not only help you relax and take away stress, it is also fantastic for relieving muscle and joint pains which are some of the main symptoms of arthritis. Taking a warm bath or swimming has been proven by professionals to increase the muscles’ endurance as well as reduce pain and inflammation, and that is why patients suffering from arthritis should take advantage of this form of exercise.
Swimming is a good way to deal with arthritis. Simple movements are enough to promote healing and no specific strokes are necessary to gain relief from the water. The most important objective of swimming is to increase blood flow so that the muscles relax and the inflammation on the joints decreases.
There are certain movements that can help improve the blood flow on some areas of the body although any type of light exercise will already allow you to feel better.
If the patient needs to improve the condition of the upper-body joints, it is recommended to do light movements with the wrists and arms in crossing and circular motion as well as the crawl stroke, which consists of moving your arms underwater to try to keep afloat.
If the lower-body joints are the ones that need to be fixed, it is recommended to walk or to stretch lightly while in the water to improve the joints on that area.
A specific stroke recommended to work on both upper and lower body joints is the doggie paddle stroke, which consist on moving both arms and legs underwater to try to stay floating.
Professionals on medicine and rehabilitation therapies have recommended these techniques to patients who need to improve and mend their muscles and joints after an injury or for managing with diseases such as arthritis.
Arthritis is a disease that can lead to pain in the joints and muscles as well as stiffening and hardening of the region.
This can lead to patients to not be able to move freely and doing simple and basic exercises due to this, many people think that exercising while suffering from arthritis is not advisable even though it has been proven to improve blood flow and reduce pain as well as inflammation.
Swimming is a particularly good exercise to practise to help manage with arthritis as, while in the water, the patient’s gravity and weight reduces, making it easier to move and to exercise without getting hurt. Nevertheless, it is important to follow simple activities and exercises are not all of them are suitable for those suffering from arthritis. It is advisable to avoid the breast stroke and similar movements as they cause an intense pressure on the joints and muscles in the area.
Overall, swimming is an excellent and useful way to manage with arthritis but it is recommended to consult a doctor or a specialist on the subject as they will be able to suggest the best exercises and safety tips that suit you and your condition best.
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