Basic Information: What is Neo Cell Super Collagen-C?

This is the product review for Neo Cell Super Collagen-C. This product assists the health of the user by providing essential amino acids that are required to help the body produce natural collagen. This product helps you regenerate damaged skin cells and build up bone, joint and cartilage health. You can learn more about this product by continuing to read our full review that you will find below.


This product primarily consists of Collagen Type 1 and 3. This compound is obtained from pharmaceutical grade bovine collagen. It also contains Vitamin C which further enhances the effects of collagen reproduction in the body. This combination of Collagen Type 1 and 3 alongside a high concentration of Vitamin C allows this supplement to improve bone structure and can also act as an anti-aging formula to keep skin revitalized.


This is taken as a dietary supplement. The ideal dosage is to take three tablets two times per day on an empty stomach to maximize the absorption. Take three tablets 30 minutes before eating a meal. The label also suggests that to optimize the effects of this supplement you should take it in conjunction with other products from Neo Cell.


This product is available from their official website. You can check information about their official retailers are as well as find local pharmacy locations that sell their products. One bottle of Collagen-C includes 250 tablets and is priced at around $14.29. We could find no discounts at the moment but that should not really be a factor as this product is among the most affordable collagen based supplements in the market at the moment.

Possible Side Effects

There are times when the body reacts negatively to collagen supplements and will cause acne to develop over the skin. These cases are few but you should still take the necessary proper precautions before taking this product. It should also be noted that taking collagen supplements could potentially pose a serious health risk in the future if taken for long periods of time. It is recommended that individuals only take these types of supplements for a couple of months, tops. Collagen is used as a platelet inhibitor which might cause certain blood vessel to become rigid and burst. This is not stated in the label but is vital information that everyone should be aware of if they are planning on trying out any collagen based oral supplement.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

After a thorough search we found no mention of any guarantees from the manufacturer. Reviews are mostly great with several negative ones here and there. Complaints mostly focus around the side effects due to negative reaction to the ingredients.

The Bottom Line

Overall, the Neo Cell Super Collagen-C is quite an effective skin rejuvenating supplement. It can help lessen the visibility of scars to the point where it almost completely disappears. This supplement is also quite affordable. Some of the disadvantages posed by this product can be easily averted with proper information so be sure to read the label and consult your doctor before beginning your dosage.

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